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Latest Dialect 3 News
Dialect 3 News

DIALECT3 in Thessaloniki


During March 2024, the third partners’ meeting of DIALECT 3 “ADdressIng intersectionAL stEreotypes, building sChool communities of Tolerance through p...

Dialect 3 News

The training for physical education professionals and university students completed!


In total 44 secondary education professionals and 123 students from the Physical Education Department from the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki we...

Dialect 3 News

Exhibition events in Athens and Thessaloniki


Two exhibition events took place introducing the DIALECT method to community members, representatives of sports associations, professionals of physica...

Dialect 3 News

The Dialect3 educational toolkit is ready!


The Dialect3 educational toolkit was composed by the project team of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science of the Aristotle Universi...

Dialect 3 News

Survey for physical education professors


Currently, our team is carring out an online survey addressed to physical education professors.

Dialect 3 News

Meeting in Athens


During January 2023, the first meeting of DIALECT 3 "ADdressIng intersectionAL stEreotypes, building sChool communities of Tolerance through physical ...