Final Conference & Policy Workshop titled “Building school communities of tolerance and combating stereotypes through physical education” – DIALECT3
23/12/2024The Final Conference & Policy Workshop was held with great success on Monday 25 November 2024 at 09:00-15:00 at the Cultural Centre of the Municipalit...

Second-Year Students Dive into Dialect3 and football3 Methodologies in Core Application Courses
19/12/2024Second-year students are gaining hands-on experience with the Dialect3 and football3 methodologies as part of their core application courses in footba...

Final Whistle: Celebratory Football Tournament
29/10/2024After the pilot phase of the program concluded, four football tournaments were organized in Athens, Thessaloniki, Chalkida, and Igoumenitsa, where 415...

DIALECT3 in Thessaloniki
02/04/2024During March 2024, the third partners’ meeting of DIALECT 3 “ADdressIng intersectionAL stEreotypes, building sChool communities of Tolerance through p...

The training for physical education professionals and university students completed!
16/02/2024In total 44 secondary education professionals and 123 students from the Physical Education Department from the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki we...

Exhibition events in Athens and Thessaloniki
15/02/2024Two exhibition events took place introducing the DIALECT method to community members, representatives of sports associations, professionals of physica...

The Dialect3 educational toolkit is ready!
19/12/2023The Dialect3 educational toolkit was composed by the project team of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science of the Aristotle Universi...

Survey for physical education professors
08/05/2023Currently, our team is carring out an online survey addressed to physical education professors.

Meeting in Athens
17/02/2023During January 2023, the first meeting of DIALECT 3 "ADdressIng intersectionAL stEreotypes, building sChool communities of Tolerance through physical ...