Can football bring us together? Are we playing fair? Do we give a pass to diversity?The answer is given by boys and girls through football matches in Greece, Italy, Serbia and Hungary using the football3 methodology.
Focus groups & interviews: Aim of the specific activity is the identification of adolescents’ media and digital literacy understanding, skill needs in relation to perceived and non-perceived challenges and risks they usually face in the online environment, particularly concerning extremist discourses and recruitment processes that take place online or through mass media.
Training programme: In order to deliver online media and digital literacy to selected mediators and trainers (adolescents & adults) which will focus on the integration of media and digital literacy activities in the football3 ones and will last approximately 2 months.
EU face-to-face workshop: With a focus on role playing exercises and peer learning workshops on the use of digital content creation tools, which will be useful for the design and implementation of youth-led digital projects.
Open football3 trainings and exhibition matches: Inviting community members, football trainers and players of local football academies, parents of the involved youth and local public authorities.
Youth-led EU exhibition: Adolescents will form small groups event in Greece, Italy, Hungary, and Serbia, putting into practice the newly acquired skills by designing digital media content creation projects to promote counter narratives based on values of tolerance, equality and non-discrimination in the field of sports and football, combating racism and radicalization.
Find the current results of the project below:
Social experiment video and campaign material