Dialect 2 News

The Municipality of Naples for the right to sport for all

One of the objectives of Dialect2 is to activate and stimulate a dialogue with public institutions to highlight the importance of the right to sport for young people and to make clear how this theme intersects with other socially relevant ones (right of citizenship, territorial protection…). At the end of the project activities, Emanuela Ferrante, Assessore allo Sport e alle Pari Opportunità del Comune di Napoli shared her message to the consortium:

“The promotion of sport as a tool to tackle discrimination through inclusive football, as emerged during the in-depth workshop discussion held at the CONI Campania headquarters, has highlighted the urgency of the substantial affirmation of the right to sport for the most disadvantaged young people. It is possible to overcome exclusion and marginalization through the commitment of the institutions and the diffusion of a new inclusive sport method related practices on the metropolitan area. DIALECT2 has showed the crucial role of fighting stereotypes through the promotion of a healthy link between sport and digital media used, especially among the youngest, such as main, if not exclusive, socialization tools. The Municipality will continue its engagement in the DIALECT program with the aim of fostering the results on a local level”.