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Dialect 2 News

Partner organizations from Greece, Italy, Serbia and Hungary came together to create one awareness-raising video. All organizations worked with their local football teams in order to develop a video that showcases that football can be a wonderful means of bringing people together. The video aims to inform the public about the work the organizations are doing with DIALECT2 project in their countries for the past 2 years and the continuous effort to eliminate discriminatory behaviors and xenophobia through the methodology of football3.  

The video is available in English, Greek, Italian, Hungarian and Serbian. 

Watch here


Dialect 2 News

On the 21st of May, DIALECT2 football team in Athens celebrated the completion of the piloting phase with a one-day event. Τhe celebration included multiple activities in different spots in Kolonos neighborhood.

Adolescents had the opportunity to come close to other kids and youngsters from the local community and share their love for football.  The event offered to people of all ages the chance to have fun, to join participatory activities and to enjoy a day that fostered community building.