Dialect 2 News
Football Friends getting ready for Oslo
DIALECT2 “Combating youth raDIcalizAtion: Building communities of toLEranCe combining fooTball with media and digital literacy” sets its base on the DIALECT project “Remembering Polarization: Building Communities of Tolerance Through Football” (co-funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)), which was realized the previous years.
DIALECT 2 goes further, having a twofold aim, combining the power of sports and football in specific, with media literacy. With the proliferation of mass media and social media information nowadays, a pursue to raise the critical thinking and self-determination of adolescents, whose identity construction is overlapping between offline and online interactions, seems more needed than ever. A large number of mediators and trainers from all partner organizations participated in the online trainings, which were held according to the program and plan designed by Norsensus. All of them will finalize their training with training sessions that will be held in Oslo at the end of June 2023. In the continuation of the project, they will transfer the acquired knowledge not only to the young participants of the football3 tournament, but also much more widely. On the occasion of the trip of mediators and coaches from Football Friends, a meeting was held where experiences and impressions from previous training sessions were shared, as well as concrete schedules, travel agendas and stay plans were agreed upon. DIALECT 2 is funded by the Erasmus+ Sports programme of the European Union. It is being implemented in Greece by ActionAid, the National Center of Social Research (EKKE) and the Panhellenic Association of Paid Female Football Players (PSAP), in Italy by ActionAid, in Hungary by Oltalom Sportegyesulet, in Serbia by Football Friends, in Germany by Streetfootballworld and in Norway by Norsensus Mediaforum.